We take our time to understand the history of each patient and how the eyes, brain, and body work together.

Vision therapy develops and enhances the eye-brain-body connection and improves binocular vision.
Start Your Journey to Better Vision Today!
What Our Patients Say
I love that InSight VT was welcoming & friendly to our whole family… I also love that the approach here was so whole body and fun-focused. Exercises were scaled just right in difficulty to keep my daughter progressing without frustration
Here’s our first Vision Therapy Graduate of 2020! This sweet girl brightens the room wherever she goes. She’s seen improvement in reading, tracking, and spelling. Oh, the places she will go!!
“Of all the providers he’s seen, I feel you’ve had the greatest impact on his recovery. I have my son back!” This young man suffered a concussion last fall, followed by debilitating headaches. It took three appointments to complete his initial evaluation because his headaches came on so hard & fast. His parents wondered if he would ever recover. Over time, he was able to read for 20 minutes. Now, he can do 4 hours of school & computer without a headache! His mom and I both struggled to hold back tears at his graduation today.
This graduate had 20/20 vision yet still struggled to read. Like many children, his reading challenges involved both visual and auditory components. His visual system showed great improvements (he can catch a ball now!) and now he’s working on the auditory piece.
So much cuteness! This patient graduated from vision therapy last year, and today his eyes are doing even better than when he finished therapy! Dr. Carter will be presenting his case study at AMFECCO in México next month. Before surgery, his eyes turned in. After surgery, th